Hut Therapy
Counselling, Psychotherapy & Supervision

Thinking of having Counselling or Psychotherapy? image
Are you feeling worried, anxious or really low? Does it hold you back or get in the way of things you want?
  • Is there a job you want but just can’t apply?
  • Are you feeling worried about what people think of you?
  • Are you in a relationship that isn’t going to well and you are unhappy?
  • Do things that have happened in the past get in the way of how you are now?
If this sounds familiar get in touch with me now to explore this further or to see whether I am the right therapist for you.

I believe it is very important for us to develop a trusting working relationship. My style is warm and welcoming, and I’ll be interested in how you see the world. Together we can look at both the past and present to see how your experiences have an effect on you right now. I will engage in our discussions, rather than only being quiet. I am interested to provide a safe space for you to share your feelings. I work in an open-ended way, which means I don’t limit the number of sessions, we would work together to see what it is you need.

If you'd like to know more about me and the way I work read on.

About Me

My name is Janet Brandling.
My principle philosophy is that we are all essentially people trying to making our way in the world with good intent. When working with people who are struggling, in crisis or distress (acute or chronic) I prefer to think "what happened to you and how is this affecting you" rather than "what is wrong with you". This leads us to your story, your strengths and your ways to survive.

My general philosophy is 'trauma informed' and holistic. This means I am able to work with a wide variety of people and like to consider the whole person, including their emotional, physical and spiritual wellbeing. I like to develop a good working relationship with clients and work in an open-ended way. This means I do not prescribe a set number of sessions. We always work together to see how long the therapy should last. I believe it is through developing a therapy relationship, where safety, confidentiality and trust are paramount that good therapeutic work can be done. I have particular interests in ongoing health conditions such as depression and anxiety, postnatal depression, chronic conditions and pain, unresolved trauma and relationship challenges. However sometimes people aren't sure what they want from life, therapy included, they just want to see if they can work it out by talking to someone outside their social circle. I welcome the 'not knowing', the sadness and the vulnerability. It is being with someone who really hears our thoughts, needs and troubles that we are able to work our way through distress and find some peace.

My background

My roots are in health. My first training was as a registered general nurse. Later I studied psychology and became an assistant psychologist in a mental health organisation. More recently I have been conducting health research and evaluation and also supporting health professionals to carry out their own research. Out of personal interest I have studied bodywork and lay herbalism. I have an interest in groups, particularly women’s circle. Previously I have run a postnatal support group, for women who have identified as having postnatal depression. This broad history gives me a holistic and broad understanding of how people manage their own health and wellbeing.

Now I am a qualified Integrative Counsellor and Psychotherapist. I have completed a Masters degree in Integrative Psychotherapy at the Metanoia Institute. As well as my private practice I work as a supervisor in the charitable sector and have worked in the NHS. I am a registered member of the British Association of Counselling & Psychotherapy and an accredited member of the UK Council for Psychotherapy. I am insured by Balens Insurance.


To discuss your needs please get in touch. It is a good idea to arrange an initial appointment. My contact details are shown below.
I offer counselling and psychotherapy in a private therapy room or via video-conferencing appointment***. At an initial appointment we can explore your therapy needs and goals and we can consider how we will be able to work together.

Appointments last 50 mins. I can do longer sessions by arrangement. I have both daytime and evening appointments
Cost £60 per session.

It is completely normal to feel a bit anxious or worried about coming to therapy. I understand this. A good therapist will have had their fair share of therapy too and knows just how that first call or meeting feels. You have made a brave move to look for therapy and it takes a lot of courage to take that step. But it is a step towards real self awareness and wellbeing. Good luck!

*** During exceptional periods (like the lockdowns) I offer online work. Try not to be put off by this as research shows it is effective. We are still able to build a good working relationship using these means and it helps keeps us all safe.
Therapy can help with many issues, whether it is an immediate life challenge or a problem that began way back in your past.

Talk in confidence about what is on your mind

What is Counselling & Psychotherapy?

Counselling and Psychotherapy is often called the talking cure. People use this form of therapy for many reasons: to understand themselves better, to come to terms with traumas and losses, enhance relationships and to be able to make changes in their lives. Some people feel at the end of their tether and are looking for support , others want to develop themselves. It can be a relief to talk to someone who listens wholeheartedly and doesn't have an agenda for you.

What is Integrative Psychotherapy?

There are many different approaches to counselling and psychotherapy. These have developed over the 20th Century and continue to develop today. Integrative Psychotherapy is influenced by different theorists rather than one particular school of therapy. As an integrative therapist I use theory and practical experience to understand each client, providing a relational approach. This means that together we will reflect on your experience of relationships in the past and in the present- the 'back then', the 'out there' and the 'in here'. It also means that I am not a remote figure, interpreting what you say, but will engage in the relationship with you wholeheartedly. I am influenced by psychodynamic and developmental theorists as well as neuroscience to work in a 'trauma informed' way.

Hut Psychotherapy

Each experience of therapy is as different as the two people doing it, the client and the therapist. At Hut Psychotherapy you and I work collaboratively. I will not be looking for pathology, making diagnoses or setting out specific goals and homework. We will be developing a working relationship to attend to your needs.

We will both set aside a time, usually 50 minutes, once a week, to talk about your thoughts, feelings, behaviours and experiences. Therapy can sometimes be challenging, especially when thinking and talking about difficult issues. As an integrative therapist I often reflect on what you, the client, says, noticing what is said and unsaid and offering connections, which can be a new way of looking at things. I will also notice what happens between us, since this can sometimes illuminate how past patterns of relating are repeated in the present.

I have recommended some books and web links below, which are helpful if you wish to find out more about Integrative Therapy before you come along.

Supervision image

I view supervision as a joint endeavour; a mechanism to attend to the client- therapist relationship, within the wider environment, and as a developmental process for the individuals involved and the profession. Although supervision is different from therapy, I believe it is important to consider how our own history impacts on the work and I welcome reflection on the personal as well as the professional.

I believe supervision is important to ensure that supervisees also feel nourished. They are often providing psychological support to people who have endured extreme hardship and trauma, and this can be extremely demanding, thus they require support too.

I use the seven eyed model of supervision (Hawkins & McMahon, 2020), which is relational and systemic. This means I work in a relational way, considering each of the people and also the co-creation between client and supervisee, supervisor and supervisee. This is all considered within the wider social and cultural context. I am also influenced by Gilbert & Evans (2020) who pose a psychotherapeutic approach to supervision.

I completed a Diploma Award in Supervision at CSTD (Centre for Supervision, Training and Development). CSTD Bath is endorsed by The United Kingdom Council for Psychotherapy as a ‘Recognised Supervisor Training’ and meets all UKCP’s requirements for Supervision Training’.

Currently I am providing supervision at £55 per session.
For more information please get in touch using the contact form.

  • Weston-super-Mare, United Kingdom
  • 64, Alma Road, Clifton, Bristol BS8 2DJ (just off Whiteladies Road, near Clifton Down shopping centre)
  •  +44-07517429852
  •  I work both in-person and online using video-conferencing. I am in Bristol at Alma Road on Monday, Wednesday and Thursday 10am-7pm. In Weston super Mare I work on Tuesday 8am-7pm. Outside these hours appointments may be possible, by arrangement. Appointments can be made by email or telephone- please get in touch. Voicemail messages are private. Text messages are not a reliable way to contact me. Please use the contact form, email or voicemail. Personal data (email address and telephone number) submitted using this contact form will be used only to make contact with you. It will not be stored beyond the period of any work we do together. Nor will it be shared with any third parties. NOTE: I try to reply within 24 hours. If you haven't heard from me check your spam/ junk folder for replies, sometimes that is where web form replies are sent.
Useful web pages

The School Of Life. 
This short film describes Psychotherapy and how it might be useful.

MIND The mental health charity MIND has useful information sheets about different mental health conditions. These easy to read fact sheets are very useful.

Samaritans If you feel suicidal or acutely distressed and in need of someone to talk to urgently the Samaritans are always available on the end of the telephone line.

New Dawn this is a community interest company which provides low cost counselling for individuals or couples. Some qualified some student therapists

SARSAS this is a charity specialising in support for people who have been subjected to sexual violence. they operate in Bath and North East Somerset, Bristol, North Somerset, Somerset and South Gloucestershire.


Couch Fiction by Phillipa Perry-
This graphic book illustrates the type of things which unfold in the therapy room.

Loves Executioners and other tales of psychotherapy by Irvin Yalom
Yalom writes in a poetic and accessible way to describe his cases. This can be illuminating when considering psychotherapy. He has many titles, equally good.

Counselling for Toads by Robert de Board
This is a text offered to counselling students and introduced Transactional Analysis but is accessible for people trying to understand relationships.

Brene Brown
Daring Greatly: How the courage to be vulnerable transforms the way we live, love, parent & lead

I don’t feel real- a guide to depersonalisation and derealisation by Carolyn Spring (Kindle document £)

Christopher Germer- The mindful path to self-compassion


Johnstone, L. & Boyle, M. with Cromby, J., Dillon, J., Harper, D., Kinderman, P., Longden, E., Pilgrim, D. & Read, J. (2018).
The Power Threat Meaning Framework: Towards the identification of patterns in emotional distress, unusual experiences and troubled or troubling behaviour, as an alternative to functional psychiatric diagnosis.
Leicester: British Psychological Society


Self compassion
5 minute self compassion break

Brene Brown talks about the power of vulnerability

Brene Brown talks about shame

Shifting from the drama triangle to the winners triangle

Trauma resources:
How to manage PTSD nightmares and night terrors
Carolyn Spring blogs -recovering from trauma and others

My recent articles

Thinking of changing therapist

How do you feel about your therapist?
I have a Facebook page where I post interesting articles about therapy and personal development. Feel free to visit my page


How do I make an appointment?

There are several ways you could get in touch with me.

This web page has an online form which you can use to send me an email message. I will respond as soon as I can and we can correspond by email or by telephone.

You could telephone me. Because I turn my phone off sometimes this may mean you get a voicemail message. Please do leave a message and I will call you back.

You could send an SMS text. I tend to look at the end of the day and so will not reply immediately. However I do always respond to voice message, email and SMS text. 

How much is a therapy session?

A session costs £55.

I take payment in cash or I have a card machine. Whilst working online payment is via bank transfer. Payment is made at each session. I charge for missed sessions unless 48hours notice is given.

Where is the therapy room?

I have two locations, in Central Bristol & Weston super Mare. Once we have made your first appointment I will send you exact details of the address and instructions for the appointment. This will include details of parking and so on.

Venues do not have a waiting room and so it is important to arrive at your appointment time.

How long will I need to attend therapy for?

Everyone has different needs, which we can discuss from the outset. I do not tend to prescribe a particular number of sessions. We decide together how therapy is going and review this periodically.

You can expect to continue for at least six weeks and some people will continue for several months or even a number of years. This depends on how you feel about therapy and what you would like the outcome to be.

I’m in a crisis, I need help now, what shall I do?

When you feel desperate it is important to connect with someone who you can trust. Reaching out can be hard but it will help in a time of crisis. Telephone or meet up with a friend. It may not be necessary to talk about your difficulties, instead just being in contact with someone who knows you can help you feel safe. In the middle of the night the Samaritans can help too. Telephone  116 123. You may not have to speak straight away, and they will understand how to be with you in your darkest times. Hold on, you will get through this.

Online and in-person therapy- can we meet?

I am working in a hybrid way with both online and in-person sessions according to your preferences and my availability.

Using online video-conferencing facilities might feel like a strange way of interacting, perhaps increasing a sense of self-consciousness. I understand this. I would not have previously considered this as a good substitute for in person working. However, with increased online therapy during the C19 pandemic I have been proved wrong. It works very well and research supports its effectiveness. I have completed some comprehensive online training to help me work with clients effectively.

As the pandemic abated I have resumed in person working. I am vaccinated.

Managing your data- privacy agreement

This document describes the way Janet Brandling (data controller) of Hut Therapy processes (collects, stores, shares & disposes of) personal data which you (the client/ supervisee) provide as a part of the working relationship. You are kindly requested to read this and decide if you are happy to share this information. You should sign the document on commencement of the work to indicate your informed consent.

Types of personal data:
1. Name
2. Address
3. Telephone number
4. Email address
5. Date of Birth
6. Emergency contact details
7. Assessment notes- your history
8. Session notes- my brief notes about our work
9. Audio-recordings (optional and where separate consent is provided)
10. Consent documents- privacy agreement, therapy/ supervision agreement, audio-recording

Reasons for keeping personal data:
I keep personal data so:
1. I can be in contact with you during our relationship, to make or change appointments;
2. If circumstances mean we must stop out work together. For instance, where unlawful activity such as terrorism and money laundering is suspected. This is a legal obligation;
3. As an obligation to my insurance company;
4. If I believe there is risk to you or another person(s).

Storing and disposing of personal data:

1. I store your name, email address and telephone number electronically and sometimes in hard copy. I am obliged to keep these as an archive for seven years after we complete our work for insurance purposes.
2. I will not contact you after our work ceases. Should you wish to work together again please get in touch with me.
3. I also keep brief notes of attendance and topic of discussions.
4. Your name will be used to identify your consent documents, assessment and session attendance notes.
5. Consent documents, assessment and session notes are kept for a period of 7 years for the purposes of legal action & defence. This is a requirement of my insurance company (Balens Insurance).
6. All paper personal data is kept in paper format in a locked filing box.

Data sharing:
1. Your contact information such as name, telephone number and email address are provided to me by you through the following means:
a. Sent via the contact form on my own website, or Facebook page.
b. Via the advertising mediums or lead finding agency I use.
c. Other referring organisations or individuals.
d. Given by you directly during conversation/ assessment.
2. As described above these contact details are kept for the duration of our therapy relationship and for 7 years afterwards.
3. As detailed in our therapy contract your personal data will not be shared unless you have discussed and agreed to this. Exceptions are unlawful activity.
4. I will not share your personal data with a third party for reasons other than referral or risks identified.

Your rights to see your personal data
1. You have the right to request to see personal data held by me, Janet Brandling
2. Please make the request in writing at
3. This personal data will be shared within 1 month of your request
4. This is free of charge
5. You can ask that any incorrect or irrelevant information is deleted
6. Breaches are reported to the Information Commissioner’s Office
7. The GDPR regulations can be viewed at the ICO- Information Commissioners Office
8. You also have the right to be forgotten and this is why I delete your contact details once our working relationship and insurance term has expired.